George Vella

The President of Malta delivers a keynote speech at the prestigious Humboldt University of Berlin


The President of Malta, George Vella, discussed international politics and the present state of affairs worldwide during a keynote speech at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In his speech with the theme ‘Reflections on the present world order’, the President remarked that the unity of the European Union is to be preserved on all possible fronts. “In a time where our values and ideals are threatened by war and turmoil, populism, and the resurgence of extremist political ideals or competing values, we must continue to believe in, and to strive towards, a stronger European Union,” stated President Vella.

The President stated diplomacy and negotiations are the fundamental pillars of many functioning multilateral systems. He stressed that security challenges cannot be solved through the use of force. “Malta’s record thus far has amply shown that its status of neutrality, when properly exercised, is a valuable tool in the hands of those who work for justice and peace; in the hands of those who want to seek agreement, by peaceful and diplomatic means,” stated President Vella. Even in the present turbulent circumstances, the President said that neutrality has not stopped Malta from being both vocal and active in taking strong and categorical stances.

During his speech to academics and students, President Vella unreservedly reiterated his condemnation of the killing of innocent people, irrespective of who the perpetrator is, while making his sincere plea to whoever wields power to do so, to stop the ongoing massacre of innocent people, particularly of children. Referring to the devastating conflict in the Middle East, President Vella expressed his concern at how this war has already spread elsewhere in the Middle East. “I say this also in view of the attacks on international commercial vessels in the Red Sea by Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen. This has been hugely disruptive to global trade and supply lines, exacerbating an already precarious situation for many economies across the world,” said President Vella.

At this critical juncture in global affairs, the President said that we cannot allow international organisations to be brought practically to a grinding halt. In this regard, he said that Malta is standing up to be counted at the United Nations Security Council and has only weeks ago accepted the request to assume the Chairpersonship responsibilities of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) for the year 2024.

Whilst referring to Malta’s longstanding history of involvement in Mediterranean politics, President Vella stated that our geographical location dictates that we put a premium on the region’s stability and security.

In Berlin, the President also met with Michael Roth, Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs of the German Parliament (Bundestag). Exchanges underlined the latest developments regarding the war in Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas. The two interlocutors also discussed the importance of EU unity and its role and standing in international affairs.

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