George Vella

The Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco, Anne Marie Eastwood, presents her Letters of Credence to the President of Malta


The Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco, Anne Marie Eastwood, presented her Letters of Credence to President George Vella at the Presidential Palace, Valletta.

President Vella observed that the countries share several similarities with both Malta and Monaco having economies that benefit greatly from flourishing tourism and maritime sectors. Furthermore, the President welcomed the shared interest between Malta and Monaco in working for stability and peace across the Euro-Mediterranean region. Bilateral relations, he added, can be further enhanced through various avenues, most notably through educational partnerships. Malta attaches great significance to the relationship between the European Union and Monaco and will continue to strive for closer relations between the two.

On her part, the Ambassador agreed that the two countries are very similar and referred to their Euro-Mediterranean vocation in particular. Protection of the environment, especially oceans and addressing climate change, are also common challenges that Malta and Monaco are placing at the forefront of their agenda. She commended Malta on the role it is playing on the international level, stating that it is an excellent example of the relevance and credentials of all states, irrespective of size. On the bilateral front, the Ambassador will be looking at possibilities of networking and closer ties between entrepreneurs from the two countries.

OPR Credentials Ceremony – Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco Presidential Palace, Valletta
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