George Vella

A successful first ‘Mixja mal-President’ in aid of the MCCF


The first edition of ‘Mixja mal-President’ in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund (MCCF) was a great success, with a large number of participants coming together for a walk starting from the Verdala Palace, towards Sant’Anton Palace, and ending in front of the Presidential Palace in Valletta.

The President of Malta, George Vella, thanked all those who joined him for this walk, which will be the last event of its kind during this Presidency. The President encouraged everyone present to show the same spirit of solidarity that he observed through the walk in the coming weeks, particularly in the BOV Piggy Bank Campaign and l-Istrina on Boxing Day, among others.

In a few words at the end of the event, President Vella said that the walk proved once again that the Maltese are ready to unite and be generous to those going through a difficult time. He reminded that the MCCF is receiving ever more requests, and the costs are always rising.

Among those participating in ‘Mixja mal-President’ were Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna, the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research, and Innovation Clifton Grima, the Leader of the Opposition Bernard Grech, and several members of parliament.

‘Mixja mal-President’ was held in collaboration with SportMalta and with the support of Enemed, which is the main sponsor, and a number of other companies.

Photos (OPR)

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