George Vella

George Vella – Il-President li għandu ħafna xi jgħid


The biography of President of Malta George Vella was launched on Tuesday evening during a ceremony at Sant’Anton Palace.

In the book ‘George Vella – Il-President li għandu ħafna xi jgħid’, the President reflects on what he went through throughout his life, from his childhood to the Presidency.

The publication also features stories and reflections from various personalities who know him inside out, including Perit Karmenu Vella, Dr Joe Borg, Prof. Simone Borg, Prof. Alfred J. Vella, Prof. Joseph Cacciottolo, Jesmond Saliba, Prof. Mario Thomas Vassallo, Prof. Paulann Grech, Dr Vincent Marmara, Lou Bondi, Dr Helga Mizzi, Prof. Carmen Sammut and Sylvana Debono.

The author Prof. Andrew Azzopardi conveyed George Vella’s thoughts and memories from childhood to the Presidency and described the Presidency as alive with many decisions that had to be taken in silence. During the launch, Mrs Miriam Vella, wife of the President of Malta, shared some of the most beautiful and difficult moments during the five years of Presidency.

During the launch, an intervention was also made by Mrs Claire Micallef Pule, manager of The Malta Community Chest Fund, whose reflections can be found in the publication. She said that the quality she most admires in President George Vella is that he listens without prejudice. She also told an anecdote involving Maltese patients receiving treatment in London. Other interventions were also made by former Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party, Dr Alfred Sant, and former Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of the Nationalist Party, Prof. Tonio Borg, whose thoughts on George Vella can also be found in the biography.

The book also includes more than 70 pages of photographs covering his life in the family, in politics and during the Presidency.


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