George Vella

The President and Mrs Vella visit Maltese patients receiving treatment in the United Kingdom


Il-President ta’ Malta George Vella u s-Sinjura Vella żaru lill-pazjenti Maltin li jinsabu fir-Renju Unit għall-kura u lill-qraba li qed jakkumpanjawhom. Mal-wieħed u erbgħin pazjent bħalissa qed jingħataw il-kura fi sptarijiet fir-Renju Unit wara li ġew riferuti mill-Isptar Mater Dei.

Din is-sena, The Malta Community Chest Fund (MCCF) assistiet mal-mitejn pazjent li kienu jeħtieġu l-kura fir-Renju Unit u lil qrabathom. Parti kbira minnhom kellhom bżonn kura għall-kanċer, mard fl-għajnejn, kanċer fid-demm u mard tal-qalb, fost oħrajn.

L-MCCF tkun ta’ spalla għal dawn il-pazjenti billi tgħin fl-ispejjeż tal-vjaġġ, l-akkomodazzjoni, it-trasport, l-ikel u l-bżonnijiet bażiċi tal-persuna li tkun qed takkumpanja lill-pazjent. F’każi fejn il-pazjent ikun għadu taħt it-tmintax-il sena, l-MCCF tgħin sabiex il-ġenituri jew żewġ persuni jkunu mal-pazjent.

The President of Malta, George Vella, and Mrs Vella visited Maltese patients receiving treatment in the United Kingdom and the relatives accompanying them. Around 41 patients are currently receiving treatment in hospitals in the UK after a referral from Mater Dei Hospital.

This year, the Malta Community Chest Fund (MCCF) assisted around two hundred patients requiring treatment in the UK and their relatives. Most of them required treatment for cancer, eye disease, blood cancer, and heart disease, among others.

The MCCF supports these patients by helping with costs related to travel, accommodation, transportation, food, and the basic needs of the person accompanying the patient. In cases of underage patients, the MCCF provides help to ensure that the patient is accompanied by their parents or two people.

Accompanied by the Chairman of the Board of Administrators of the Malta Community Chest Fund, Mr John Huber, the President, and Mrs Vella, they visited three hospitals in London where Maltese patients receive treatment.

They visited the Rays of Sunshine ward at King’s College Hospital, where babies and children are treated for liver complications, some of whom need a transplant. A few days ago, a three-week-old Maltese baby was receiving treatment there.

The second hospital they visited was Royal London, where they met the Maltese consultant, Mr Joseph Aquilina, who specialises in obstetrics and gynecology. Mr Aquilina, together with Dr Caroline May, Divisional Director for Women’s Health, explained the work done at The Lotus Birth Centre in Royal London Hospital for women with pregnancy risks and the services provided before and after giving birth.

At the Royal Marsden in London, the President and Mrs Vella were briefed by Dr Mark Ethell about the treatment provided to Maltese patients with blood disease. They visited the intensive care facilities and the Wiltshaw Ward, where blood cancer patients receive specialised treatment in private.

President Vella thanked all the consultants, doctors, nurses, and staff of these hospitals for their commitment to provide the best possible care to Maltese patients.

During their visit to the UK, the President and Mrs Vella met the patients and their relatives at the apartments of the Puttinu Cares Foundation in Sutton, where nineteen patients are currently residing, and with the Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus and the Augustinian Sisters in London, who are hosting patients visiting London for treatment.

Photos (OPR)

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