George Vella

Diskors mill-Eċċellenza Tiegħu, George Vella, President ta’ Malta waqt serata li tikkommemora l-Jum Nazzjonali tar-Renju ta’ Spanja, 10 ta’ Ottubru 2023. (Diskors bl-Ingliż)

Your Excellency [Ambassador José María Muriel],

Honourable Ministers,

Honourable Leader of the Opposition,


Distinguished Guests,

Thank you, Excellency, for sharing your kind thoughts with us this evening. It is a pleasure to be here with you to celebrate the National Day of the Kingdom of Spain.

The shared history, geography, customs and traditions between Malta and Spain lay the foundation of our thriving relationship.

Architectural and artistic heritage – as well as the linguistic and religious traditions that can be traced to Spanish influence, are tangible links of our long-standing people to people contacts.

The twinning agreements between various towns and cities in Malta and Spain, including my own hometown Żejtun which is twinned with Tocina in Andalucía, continue to nurture these contacts and cultural exchanges.

Furthermore, I note with pleasure that last January, Malta was added to the list of starting points for the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. Over 300 people from 15 different countries have already walked the ‘Camino Maltés’ since then.

Educational activities and opportunities, particularly the Teaching of English as a Foreign language in Malta, can serve as potential drivers to promote mutual understanding through people-to-people interactions at a grassroot level.

These strong links between our countries continue to provide us with the opportunity to promote a deeper sense of appreciation of each other, further enriching our ties and friendship.

When it comes to bilateral trade and commercial relations, I strongly believe that there are various not fully explored avenues through which we can further stimulate and enhance our collaboration on this front, particularly in the pharmaceutical, tourism, life science and transport sectors.

In July, Spain assumed the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

I note with satisfaction that a lot of emphasis is being placed on strengthening the unity of the European Union.

The motto ‘Europe, closer’ is a clear indication of Spain’s commitment to bring European citizens closer to the decisions that affect them in their day-to-day lives.

We must always put people at the centre of our decision-making mechanisms.

I also commend the Spanish Presidency’s commitment to advancing the green transition.

The impact of climate change cannot be ignored or belittled.

The Spanish Presidency is also advocating for more efficient and coordinated management of migration and asylum processes.  Migration should remain a top priority on the EU’s agenda, as we continue to see increasing irregular flows towards the Union. As two frontline Mediterranean countries with growing migratory pressures from Africa, we fully understand and support the need for a sustained European approach in this regard, manifested through tangible solidarity.

In the meantime, the world around us is going through dramatic and fundamental changes.

Dear guests,

Last Friday during our meeting in Porto, I spoke to my fellow Arraiolos Heads of State about the precarious stability and the alarming security situation in the Middle East.

Only a few hours later we all woke up to the terrible scenes reaching us from Israel.

I am deeply shocked by the Hamas attacks on Israeli civilian citizens.

I condemn this act of violence against civilians and against peace. No peace can be achieved through violence.

Violence only breeds further violence.

Serious well intentioned peace talks are the only solution.

I convey my heartfelt sympathy to the families of all the bereaved and hope for a quick recovery of those injured.

Meanwhile, more than a year and a half have already passed since the illegal and unjustified invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

The loss of human life and the suffering brought about upon innocent civilian people is deplorable and unacceptable.

Our message remains unchanged.

We simply cannot accept that the fundamental principle of respect for sovereignty be swept aside and trampled upon by aggression and military might.

Equally important, we must remain strongly committed to ensuring that all violations of international law committed in Ukraine and elsewhere do not go unpunished.

In our role as elected members of the United Nations Security Council for the term 2023-2024, Malta is making every effort to ensure the preservation and the integrity of the international rules-based order. A rules-based order is the only sustainable alternative to counter a system that depends entirely on acts of violence and aggression.

Dear guests,

Malta and Spain are both Mediterranean, maritime nations.

The Mediterranean remains one of the main priorities of our respective foreign policies. 

The common challenges and opportunities that emanate from our geographical location continue to bring us closer together.

It is up to us to ensure that the Mediterranean continues to be part of the agenda and be given its due importance in all relevant international fora.

The Summit of the Med9 that was held in Malta just a few days ago is a clear reflection of our long-standing collaboration and active participation in various Mediterranean initiatives.[1]

These platforms, including that of the Union for the Mediterranean – which Spain hosts in Barcelona, the 5+5 Western Mediterranean Dialogue and other multilateral fora – provide excellent avenues to help us identify region-led solutions to the problems that we are collectively facing.

In conclusion, allow me to reaffirm that Spain will continue to find in Malta, a steadfast and reliable partner on all fronts.

Our countries have always worked together on political matters and bilateral trade as well as cooperation on regional and foreign policy issues.

Our duty is to deepen this cooperation, expand the spectrum of our bilateral interests and build further on our past successes.

May the relations between our countries continue to move ahead and evolve, from strength to strength – always reaching higher levels.

I now ask you to raise your glasses and toast in celebration of the National Day of the Kingdom of Spain, to the health of His Majesty Felipe VI, King of Spain, and to the long-lasting friendship between our two peoples.

Thank you.


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