George Vella

Diskors mill-E.T. George Vella, President ta’ Malta, fl-okkażjoni tal-Jum Nazzjonali taċ-Ċina. 29 ta’ Settembru 2023. (Diskors bl-Ingliż)

Mr Peng Yijun, Chargé d’Affaires,

Honourable Zrinzo Azzopardi,

Parliamentary Secretary Civelli,

Honourable Leader of the Opposition,

Dr Lawrence Gonzi,

This year marks the 74th anniversary since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. I am here together with you for another celebration of this auspicious occasion.

On behalf of the people of the Republic of Malta, I would like to express sincere congratulations to all of you and extend my gratitude and appreciation for the sincere friendship that has characterized Sino-Maltese relations since their inception.

This event is a welcome opportunity to celebrate and reaffirm the close ties between Malta and China. Last year, Malta and China celebrated 50 years of diplomatic relations. These five decades are the foundation for a relation which is increasingly becoming more dynamic and forward-looking.

I had the pleasure of reaffirming this during a meeting with His Excellency Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, who visited Malta earlier this month.

We both expressed satisfaction at how our bilateral relations have continued gaining momentum over time, regardless of the difference in size and geography, relying only on the basis of mutual respect and appreciation.

Despite the distance that separates our two countries, Malta and China have managed to build a close historical relationship that includes cooperation mostly in the fields of trade, health, education and culture.

Suffice to say that China is one of Malta’s most important trading partners. The recent singing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation within the Framework of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative is expected to further facilitate the promotion of coordinated initiatives relating to economic and commercial matters.

I am sure you all agree that any relationship between two countries cannot be viewed purely in economic terms. I place particular emphasis on the importance of sustaining and expanding our people-to-people links as a means of nourishing a healthy, strong, and mutually beneficial friendship.

This year we are celebrating the thirtieth (30th) anniversary since China dispatched its first medical team to Malta. Cooperation in the health sector has over the years proved to be an important contributing factor in the strengthening of our people-to-people contacts.

Beyond health cooperation, education and student exchanges have also played an important role in developing and strengthening the connection between our two countries.

I am always satisfied to note the many Chinese diplomats, lawyers and other professionals who have come to Malta to pursue their studies at the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies and the International Maritime Law Institute.

I convey my appreciation towards the contribution they are giving to our country’s educational and academic credentials.

Another element that contributes to the ongoing evolution of our relationship includes the vibrant cultural relations which exist between our two countries. The fruitful work carried out in the field of culture brings our two countries closer together, allowing us to acquire a better understanding of our respective world views and perspectives.

I would also like to commend the special effort that the Chinese Embassy constantly puts in organising cultural events in Malta. I am also very appreciative of the efforts of the China Cultural Centre in Valletta in offering accessible and quality Chinese language courses. This is an indispensable service to those in the local community who wish to learn Chinese for business, cultural and academic purposes.

Beyond the enduring bilateral dimension of our relations, Malta will continue to attach great significance to the ongoing dialogue and cooperation between the European Union and China.

The EU and China have a shared interest in pursuing constructive relations, anchored in respect for the rules-based international order, balanced engagement, and reciprocity.

In this respect, I believe that EU-China engagement is crucial to tackle issues of common concern – including but not limited to – issues related to climate change and environmental degradation, health and pandemic preparedness, food security and humanitarian assistance. [1]


We meet at a pivotal moment for our countries and for the globe.

Despite increased prosperity and promises to leave no one behind – a cursory look around us indicates that alongside globalisation – poverty, economic hardships, and inequalities within and among countries continue to persist.

While the world was reeling from the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia launched a brutal and illegal invasion in Ukraine, causing painful misery, death, and destruction which are still ongoing till this very day.

This war has ushered in a fresh series of crises in global food and energy supplies, further exacerbating the misery and suffering of the most vulnerable who unfortunately are always the worst hit.

We are witnessing atrocious scenes of extreme violence and human suffering – scenes that we had promised ourselves and the whole world not to ever let happen again.

In this regard, I emphasised with Foreign Minister Wang Yi, my strong belief that China has a vital role to play in persuading Russia to end the war, in the interest of international stability and peace. I honestly believe that China has the political clout to do this.

Closer to home, the Mediterranean continues to face a myriad of geopolitical, socio-economic, and environmental related challenges.

Irregular migration, the existential threat posed by climate change, and the breakdowns in food supply chains provide us with clear examples of ominous things to come.  

As the region remains burdened with turmoil, and plagued with protracted conflict, we must ensure that higher levels of cooperation and joint actions are adopted.

However, even with the tense and challenging climate of our times, our options are not minimal.

We still have control over our actions and our attitudes toward the current situation.

We should not allow turmoil and instability to displace our focus on dialogue and diplomacy.

Hence, we should remain hopeful.

Hopeful that through dialogue and diplomacy, we can reinvigorate our commitment to a vision of a world that is governed by the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter. 

In this respect, I greatly welcome the decision by the Chinese and the United States’ delegations to choose Malta as the venue for their high-level discussions.

This was another concrete example of how dialogue and diplomacy have been a long-standing cornerstone of Malta’s foreign policy. Neutral Malta proved once again as a safe haven where world powers can come together in safety and security to discuss their differences.

We will not relent on this vocation.

In these challenging times, our collective message must be a clear and resounding one.

We cannot return to a world where the strong do as they will and the weak are left to suffer what they must.

As demonstrated since the founding of the United Nations in the aftermath of the Second World War, a rules-based international order is the only sustainable alternative to a system where might makes right.

This vision is at the core of the United Nations system – the promotion of respect for the international rule of law and principles of sovereignty and self-determination as basic tenets of global diplomacy.

Our aspiration to serve on the United Nations Security Council for the term 2023-2024 stemmed from our strong willingness to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security in a meaningful manner.

We are doing this by engaging with other United Nations Security Council Members like China, to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive contribution to the preservation of international peace and security.

In conclusion, Excellencies, distinguished guests, I invite you all to raise your glasses for a toast, for the celebration of the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China, the health of Chinese President, His Excellency Xi Jinping, and to the excellent relations between the Republic of Malta and the People’s Republic of China.

Thank you.


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